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All Aluminum Foils Question

Can I use aluminum foil to line a baking sheet for baking cookies or cakes?
1 answer
Is t6 aluminum stronger than 304 stainless steel?
1 answer
Easy way how to make lasagna?
2 answer
Question about Chemical boinding?
5 answer
When making a solar oven, can I use plastic bags instead of newspaper for insulation?
4 answer
Are you suppose to put oil on your potatoes?
1 answer
chemistry help with ions?
4 answer
Can you get money from recycling plastic or does that only work with aluminum in Idaho?
10 answer
My baking dish has no coverShould I use aluminum foil to cover the dish while the chicken bakes?
1 answer
What are the differences between new and old-style aluminum foil?
1 answer
what could i do with tamale leaves.besides tamales?
1 answer
Is This Good For A Noob New To Paintball?
5 answer
Is a aluminum case non detectable?
1 answer
I need the most creative pranks on a (sleeping) personAny Ideas?
8 answer
Need help baking cheesecake?
1 answer
how do you get a pillar candle to stick to a plate?
3 answer
Will silicone adhesive be strong enough to glue aluminum?
0 answer
fresh strawberry recipes please?
1 answer
I want to make a mold of a icosahedron?
5 answer
What is the white stuff around my kitchen sink!?
3 answer
Frozen GV Regular Cut French Fried Potatoes?
3 answer
How long does it take to defrost a cake before I can decorate it?
2 answer
what happens when you put aluminum foil on a leave of a plant?
6 answer
Mustang V6 performance package worth it? (read below)?
1 answer
Cleaning off melted foil?
5 answer
project help!!?
1 answer
I'm looking to get into roller derbyWhat skates do you recommend for around $200-250US?
5 answer
Parchment Paper vs Wax Paper vs Aluminum Foil?
4 answer
How much does it cost to recycle 1 aluminum can? serious answers only please?
3 answer
What is the defof a metal & can aluminium conduct electricity? If not, why is it classified as a metal?
0 answer